The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn, Hunter of the Plains Classic Series 1:6 ScaleStatue
The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn, Hunter of the Plains Classic Series 1:6 ScaleStatue
SKU: WET04014
Barcode: 9420024740149
The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn, Hunter of the Plains Classic Series 1:6 ScaleStatue
While Frodo and Sam pick their way slowly towards Mordor through the labyrinthine Emyn Muil, Merry and Pippin are captives of the brutal Uruk-hai. Snatched during the raid at Amon Hen, the Hobbits are slung like luggage on the broad backs of the tireless Uruks, who run day and night through broken hills and across the rolling plains of Rohan. Faced across the plains would become the stuff of legend and song in years to come. Barely stopping for breath as he beats a relentless pace across the plains, Aragorn leads his friends over rock and grass, smashed flat by iron-shod boots, single-minded in his determination to run down their quarry. Yet the pursuit drags on; where Orcs might usually seek shelter from the sun, these run unafraid under the open sky, driven by some unseen force...for great powers have begun to move in Middle-earth. As war looms and the race to secure the Ring quickens, the enemy's reach extends ever closer.

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